Saturday, December 29, 2012

Story of Stuff

please DO WATCH this video first. Thank you :D

After watching a video of almost half an hour and titled "The Story of Stuff" i start to wonder what will happen to our Mother Earth in the near future, there will be no more trees that my future son and daughter will see, even my Grand Son and Grand Daughter.

I Start to think for my self that i should start the change to help other people who already fighting for saving our Mother Earth. First i think of "What are the steps to Help the nature?" then "Who to blame why all of these are happening?" etc., and then i realized that the woman who talking on the video who relates the scenery, the chain of reaction of why all of these are happening, the reason for all of these is WE HUMANS did to our planet, not our God, not the things that already been there, not the purpose of everything in this world, etc. but us humans, we humans tend to do those things because WE ARE TO SELFISH, we only think all the things we want, what we need but not thingking what will be the chain of reaction of it when it does happen. For example a Cloth, do we ever wonder where did it came from, how it became a cloth, what are the materials, the process, the laborers who made it and then after using it we are going to trash or dump those things then after we dump it where it will go. same as to every things we use in our daily lives. The Process of making these materials is from "Extraction" where the main source of these is our nature, and making or consuming and consuming of it we did not realize that we are already killing our nature. Next is "Production", in order to make these things we need to put the materials together and by doing that we need some energy to run some factories for producing it, and by producing we also produce chemicals that harm the humans and the nature. Next is "Distribution", the corporation sell a cheaper product in order to sell more products but the price of it is not fit from how it cost, when you calculate the cost of producing that cheap product it will not even fit to pay the right amount salary of the salesman in a store, the purpose of it is to sell more and when the products sold faster the companies will able to produce more and by producing more they will consume more of our nature in able to produce it. Then after Distributing is "Consumption", We people tend to buy our needs and wants from foods, accessories  personal hygiene and etc. by buying and buying the trash we accumulated tend to grow bigger and then the last scenario occur is we dispose ("Disposal") the accumulated things we bought and when we dump those things what do you think the government do to it, some of it are being burned to the incinerator and some of it are burying to a dump hole thing that other things do not decay or it may decay for over a long period of time, either way we pollute our land by burying things that don't decay and by burning it that produce air and water toxic. As you can see all of our doing leads to destruction to our planet and to ourselves in the near future  As the speaker said in the video what we can do right now is to RECYCLE, because recycling can reduce the pollution, production of things and it may reproduce more of our nature if we recycle it properly. So please BE ALARMED from happening to our surroundings and the future effect of it so we can prevent the rupture of our planet.